Scheme features


       Economic interest in this natural product has increased since countries have released cannabis as a remedy.Cannabis has also been available as a drug in Germany since March 2017.Therefore, interesting composition is cannabinoid compounds THC cannabinol (Δ - four hydrogen) and CBD (marijuana).The two substances are found in different amounts in cannabis plants, depending on the type.The effect of short-range distillation is to obtain high purity  CBD.

Product process


1.the leaves are soaked in solvent and the raw material is taken out in an extractor centrifuge.
2.the raw material taken out is concentrated in the single-effect evaporator and the solvent is recovered
3.the concentrate enters the thin film evaporator to evaporate the residual solvent
4.the crude oil is fed into the molecular distillation and CBD is collected
5.high purity CBD can be obtained by crystallization in the crystallization reactor or high purity CBD  can be obtained by high performance liquid chromatography system

Specific cases

  • Rose Essential Oil

    Rose essential oil is the most expensive essential oil in the world and is called "after essential oils".


  • Purification of vegetable oil
